We were once described as being a Benevolent Autocracy which we are told means that we all play a part in running the Club for the common good. However, the official body of the Benvenuto Players is the Board which consists of the:
- President: calls meetings, advises on the agenda and deals with any legal issues
- Vice-president: substitutes the President when s/he is absent
- Treasurer: keeps us in the black
- Secretary: keeps a record of what decisions are made during Board Meetings
- Membership Secretary: keeps a record of the members
- Publicity Officer: answers any enquiries about the club and publicises any events
- Technical Officer: in charge of the sound and lighting equipment and operates them whenever they are needed. Our present Technical Officer also films and produces films of all the shows
- Creative Director: manages costumes and creates props and sets.
The Board ensures that the Benvuenuto Players is managed and operated in accordance with the BVP Statute, Protocol and Privacy Policy,
Primary Board meetings are called 3 or 4 times a year and although all members are welcome to come along, only Board Members are allowed to vote on any items under discussion. Secondary Board meetings where the main topic is the consideration of membership applications are called as and when required.
We also have an Annual General Meeting at the beginning of each year to elect a new Board and all BVP members are encouraged to participate. This is usually followed by a General Meeting to discuss any topics raised by any member. Anyone can ask for an issue to be discussed at any time.
The Benvenuto Players is affiliated to:
- FITA (Federazione Italiana Teatro Amatori). In addition to providing advice and information about theatre, they also provide insurance cover (compulsory under Italian law) for all BVP members, the cost being included in the annual membership fee. The FITA code for the Benvenuto Players is 3593.
- RUNTS (Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore) which is the National Register for not-for-profit associations. The Benvenuto Players, N° 34426, is consequently an ETS (Ente del Terzo Settore) and is classified as an ATS (Associazione di Promozione Sociale). Being included in RUNTS simplifies the tax returns which the Benvenuto Players must submit each year.
The Benvenuto Players is a not-for-profit association, Codice Fiscale 95064400120, which receives no funding other than through membership fees or sale of tickets for shows and workshops.
When planning a show or workshop, the financial objective is to cover the expected costs of undertaking the event with the income from the likely audience or participants. The breakdown of expenditures for undertaking a show or workshop varies enormously, but a typical division of costs encountered during a year is given below.